Item 558278 LED Three Wise Men At Night Canvas Print

LED Three Wise Men At Night Canvas Print

Item Number: 558278
With our LED Three Wise Men At Night Canvas Print you'll always remember the reason for the season. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and journey along with The Magi as they head to Bethlehem to visit The Savior at Christmas.

  • This picture requires 2 "AA" batteries to light up. They are not included.
  • This canvas print as well as most of our others that light up, have an on/off switch. On this print, it is located on the side.
  • Please note that the entire print doesn't light up. Only certain stars light up and/or twinkle.
  • Please be sure to use fresh/new batteries in your print.
Dimensions: 14" x 17"
Composition: Canvas
Vendor ID: OSW188219

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